Good morning to you all,
I was originally going to post about a piece of personal childhood nostalgia in a series of posts called the DeLorean. But, a bigger matter took priority last night. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but everything here is so in line and so connected, something has to be up.
Two days ago, an article was published in the New York Times about a company called Blackwater USA, now called Xe, being used by the CIA in less than legal ways. A quick Google search on these guys reveals a lot of unsettling information. For one, they were allegedly involved in a counterrorism program, using their facilities as training bases. Secondly, there are tons of murky allegations of arms dealing and other illegal activities.
But those are are alleged, unrelated incidents. One thing that IS concrete is that Blackwater's vice-chairman is somebody named Cofer Black, who had a tenure as both the Directorate of Operations and the Director of the Counterterrorist Center for the CIA. Right after he left the CIA, Blackwater snapped him up.
And the most definitive piece of evidence is that the current chairmen of the CIA, Leon Panetta,
acknowledged that a secret program involving Blackwater to assasinate Al Qaeda members had been partaken, but they weren't sucessful. This was witheld from Congress for EIGHT YEARS.
I apologize if this post seems rushed or hurried. I just wanted to scratch the surface of this unfolding controversy. Plus, I just learned of this last night.
I honestly don't know what to make of this, but it's significant.
So, comment and vote, please. If you think it is okay for the CIA to withold information from Congress and the rest of the government, click agree. If you think Congress should've known about this from day one, click disagree.If you're on the fence, click unsure.
Tomorrow, I'll take you to the first stop in a nostalgic tour of my early childhood in The DeLorean.
See you then!
EDIT: Yes, I'm aware there are spacing issues. I apoligize. I've tried to go in and fix them, but Blogger's being a bit of a jerk to me right now. I'll try to fix them ASAP.
Here is the CIA's mission statement:
ReplyDelete"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent U.S. Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior U.S. policymakers."
The question is: Just WHO are considered to be our "senior U.S. policymakers?"