Saturday, September 12, 2009

Emulation Frustration


So, here's the setup:

I wanted so badly to do another DeLorean today. Upon picking my brain, I remembered a childhood favorite; PacMan: The New Adventures for the Sega Genesis. It's a fun game, but don't let the title fool you, it's not your traditional PacMan. Not enough people on the blogosphere talk about it*, so I find it my civic duty as a PacFan to do so. The problem? I actually need to, y'know, play it to blog about it. The Genesis was released in the 90's, meaning that there's not free online versions of it. Trust me, I've spent an hour and a half Google-ing.

The good news? Now, in the digital age, there's these things called emulators, which basically means little programs that allow you to download games to your computer. (This is called pirating. It's also illegal. YAAAAAAAARGH!) So, I bet you're thinking, "OK, Tomato. That's great! Now, where's the DeLorean?"

Well, the problem is, I know as much about emulators as I do about piloting a TARDIS with Spanish instructions. That is to say that I know absolutely nothing about them. So, if you know how to operate these fancy-smanchy emulators, or know someone who does, leave a comment or shoot me an email at Please?

Meanwhile, I shall descend into the depths of my basement to try to find our actual Sega Genesis and the cartridge. Question is: will it even work? That is, if I can find it.

Regardless, check out the post below this one, if you haven't already. It's a voice that should be heard, and I put my heart and soul into it.

Expect new posts out the wazoo over today and tomorrow.


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