Tuesday, November 24, 2009

100 Things I'm Thankful For



1. My mom and dad
2. My brother
3. My dog, who is unquestionably the cutest one EVAR!!!!
4. My aunt, who teaches special education.
5. All the other people who teach special education.
6. My grandparents
7. This blog.
8. The gift of being able to think.
9. Having morals.
10. Being able to communicate.
11. Being able to reason.
12. Redemption.
13. Christ.
14. Nerds (the people).
15. Nerds (the candy!)
17. Having a straight spine.
18. Having bowel/bladder function.
19. Humor
21. Books!
22. Animation!
23. My awesome providers, Laura and Olivia.
25. The ability to think of things bigger than myself.
26. Imagination
27. Martial Arts
28. Peggle
29. The Game Boy Advance
30. Sci-Fi
31. LOST, which Mrs. Nelli has until Feb. 2nd to watch!
32. Tactical strategy games.
33. Candy
34. Chocolate
35. Big, cushy armchairs
36. Random acts of absurdity
37. Barbershop Quartets
38. Automatic door openers
39. Comics
40. Poetry
41. Fried food!
42. Dance
43. Choir
44. Rain
45. Fog
46. Moonlight
47. Free Will
48. A stable government.
49. My bed
50. Photographs.
51. Sidewalks
52. Not listening to a neonateoligist who told my mom not to expect anything out of "these children".
53. Everyone in my sidebar >>>>
54. Reproduction
55. Rhyming
56. Language
57. Puns
58. Moments when I realize how small everything is.
59. Language Arts teachers.
60. Gifted teachers
61. Cancer survivors
62. Board Games
63. Hangman
64. People who can understand someone with a disability.
65. Harry Potter
66. Tim Burton
67. 42
68. Dogs in general.
69. Superheroes
70. Everyday heroes.
71. Scat singing.
72. The fact that Dark Knight still holds it's spot as the #2 best selling movie ever.
73. Movies
74. Actors
75. Exotic food
76. The Space Needle
77. Street performers
78. Indoor plumbing
79. Friends
80. Astrology
81. The Wii, and all the incredibly wrong puns that result.
82. Immigration.
83. Clean water
84. Plentiful food
85. Did I mention teachers?
86. Flash Games
87. Futurama
88. MST3K
89. Randy Pausch
90. Plastic utensils
91. Telivision
92. Medicine
93. Parody
95. Ellen DeGeneres
96. Optimism
97. The ideal of peace.
98. Heaven
99. Things I'm bound to be missing on here.
100. My heart is beating for another second, at least.

Respond with at least 5 things you're thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. five things that I'm thankful for:
    1. My family, nuclear and extended
    2. Second chances
    3. Education, both the knowledge gained and benefits of having that achievement.
    4. Music
    5. Bicycles

  2. This is awesome Justin!
    I'm thankful for

    1. My family
    2. Jesus
    3. Stuffing the turkey full of delicious fixins with my bare hands today!
    4. Christmas music
    5. I'll go with number 95... Ellen...She always makes me happy!

    Happy Thanksgiving Justin!

  3. 1. I am thankful for people who see the positive side of everything.
    "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful."
    2. I am thankful I was blessed with four daughters.
    "The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I'm thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family's future.
    ~Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
    3. I am thankful for my family, my friends, and my students.
    "We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
    ~Albert Schweitzer
    4. I am thankful we now have a more just government than we've had for the last several years.
    "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."
    ~H. L. Mencken
    5. I am thankful for what I have.
    "If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
    ~Oprah Winfrey
    Happy Thanksgiving, Tomato!
    Mrs. M.

  4. Hey Tomato--thanks for the shout out, and you'll be happy to know that my dear husband got the first Lost DVD on Netflix for me. :-)

    So, things I'm thankful for:
    1. Modern plumbing
    2. My utterly amazing, wonderful family including my miraculous children, Husband, family of origin, extended family, in-laws (yes, I do indeed love my in-laws!) and all those who have become family because I love them so much.
    3. A job I adore, along with teachers I am proud to call dear friends (including the fantastic Mrs. M!) And students like Tomato who make it worthwhile.
    4. Friends
    5. Being part a country that has so many freedoms that we often don't know how good we have it--being thankful reminds me not to take it for granted.

  5. 1. Family
    2. Friends.
    3. Books.
    4. DirecTV.
    5. One letter words. :D

  6. Hi Justin, I love your list. Here is mine

    1. Jesus-he takes all my worries away which allows me to live a good life.

    2. Family-unconditional love

    3. Optimistic People

    4. Our home-it is peaceful

    5. People who smile a lot.



If you're having problems commenting, please e-mail me (silvertomatoproductions@gmail.com) with a description of your problem. I've contacted Blogger about the issue, and it should be resolved soon,
