On this episode of Juiced!...
We discuss terrorism, talk shows, the reality of disibility, "booty-ism", and Google.
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Atop the Fourth Wall... Dot Com
It is my pleasure to announce that the new website has LAUNCHED!
[image: photo AT4WWebsiteLogo_zpsb795d034.jpg]
Now obviously th...
10 years ago
My responses:
ReplyDelete4) This isn't fair to Conan. He got a few months of hosting the Tonight Show and getting that slot, then it's quickly taken away. He has the title, but he doesn't have the slot. He should just give the slot to Jay and then run off to
3) I don't like bashing people's religions, but I also don't think this should be censored. All sides should be shown in an issue, then people should decide for themselves. Muslims chose to say that Islam is real. Christians choose that Christianity is real. Athiests say none of those are real. The only problem with that is the haters, who will always exist. Blocking this won't make it go away. They'll just go Bing it.
2) Yeah, I'm for this issue. I am very pro-energy conservation.
Rhetorical Question) I think we should just accept that this is going to happen. Tightening security every time won't help. It'll still happen, plus people are going to start complaining about all of this security.
Excellent show, Tomato. Looking forward to next week's Top 5.